by Becky Turley Rasmussen Here we are in the last stretch. A little more than 72 hours remain until Election Day polls close. This morning, at 9:00 a.m., my phone chimed and I dismissed a notification from my timer declaring, “Pray for Our Nation!” I stopped folding laundry, closed the door to my room, then knelt in prayer. Nearly five months ago, my heart sank when the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees were announced for the 2016 Election Cycle. I felt a deep sense of sadness and hopelessness for both my children and this land that I love dearly. In that moment, I remember sending a silent heavenward plea, “Dear God, Please help us!” A couple of weeks later, on June 30, 2016, I read an article about the possibility of Mitt Romney entering the race. "My wife and kids wanted me to run again this time, interestingly enough," Romney said. "I got an email from one of my sons yesterday, saying 'You gotta get in, Dad! You gotta get in!'" Hop...