Victim of the Curve: The day law school grades come out

That blessed bell curve. It’s coming. That great and terrible day. That day when law school grades appear, crushing the souls of many—if not most—first-year law students across the country. For me, getting up the courage to open my first-year grades was unlike any other experience I have ever had in education. But it was a little like the time that I stood in my swim trunks, staring off the edge of a large cliff overhanging a waterfall, debating whether to take the plunge. If you haven’t gone to law school, it may be hard to appreciate the trepidation experienced by your attorney-aspiring, over-achiever friends. With permission, I want to share a story. It's penned by a good friend of mine about his personal experience. He would like to remain anonymous. But he is someone I deeply respect. I sat by him in at least one first-year class. I was always impressed by his preparation and comments. I always expected he would rock finals. “The day my law school grades c...