Regarding Mormon temples

LDS temple in Nauvoo, Illinois, taken on a family vacation It has been almost nine years since my first experience with the perhaps most controversial ceremony in the Mormon temple: the endowment . I had so many questions; I felt so dizzy. I wanted to understand everything at once. As I returned again and again, I let the pendulum swing to the opposite extreme; I shut down my brain and simply focused on how I was feeling. While undoubtedly more peaceful than that first visit, my temple experiences lacked intellectual depth. At times, I would even fall asleep. Some questions still emerged from time to time, along with the anxiety that comes with not knowing everything. Answers also came from time to time, but there was an underlying question that troubled me until-- I'm a bit embarrassed to say-- quite recently. Was the Mormon temple endowment truly good? One of the most common accusations against the Church and its membership is that we are walking around smilingly brain...